Infotel UK Consulting Demonstrates Data Science Expertise at National Innovation Centre for Data’s International Women’s Day Event

Infotel UK Consulting Demonstrates Data Science Expertise at National Innovation Centre for Data’s International Women’s Day Event

Two technology consultants stand opposite eachother and are shaking hands. They stand infront of a grey desk, with two black chairs and a window behind them. They are both wearing suits: one is dark blue and the other is grey.

We recently showcased our commitment to data science and gender equality by participating in the National Innovation Centre for Data’s (NICD) International Women’s Day event. Building upon a successful collaborative history with NICD, particularly in advancing GDPR compliance through Natural Language Processing (NLP), Lauren and Monique were delighted to attend and engage with the event’s activities. 

The event, held in The Catalyst, provided an opportunity for attendees to develop practical data science skills in a collaborative environment. Our attendees joined a team of female professionals, participating in a hands-on “Data Detectives” session. This session challenged participants to apply data science principles to solve a simulated mystery involving a stolen artefact – AKA Ada Lovelace’s ‘original artefacts’ which were being displayed in The Hancock Museum, Newcastle. 

A room in The Catalyst, Newcastle. Professor Ashmita Randhawa presents to a room of 32 women, standing infront of two screens which both read: Data Detectives - solve the mystery of the stolen artifact. The screen also has the universal logo for International Women’s Day, and the National Innovation Centre for Data’s logo.

The team successfully navigated a series of tasks, demonstrating their proficiency in key data science techniques. These included: 

  • Data Cleaning: Processing witness statements to identify a potential suspect. 
  • Decision Tree Modelling: Analysing data to reconstruct the theft’s method. 
  • Data Visualisation: Interpreting travel data to determine the location of missing notes. 
  • Sentiment Analysis: Evaluating online messages to uncover the perpetrator’s motive. 


Dr Antonia Kontaratou continues the International Women’s Day presentation, sharing a screen that reads ‘Why - Natural Language Processing’ and a brief explanation of the task being set. Louise Braithwaite and Dr Georgia Atkinson join the presentation.

The event’s focus on practical application aligned perfectly with Infotel UK Consulting’s approach to data science. As a consultancy, we understand that effective NLP and data analysis are crucial for businesses seeking to extract actionable information from their textual data. This involves:

  • Data Acquisition and Preprocessing: Gathering and standardising data from various sources to ensure it is analysis-ready. 
  • Lexical and Syntactic Analysis: Dissecting language to understand its grammatical structure, enabling accurate interpretation. 
  • Semantic Analysis: Extracting meaning from language to identify sentiment, topics, and intent, providing valuable insights. 
  • Discourse and Pragmatic Analysis: Understanding the nuances of language and context to handle ambiguities and complex conversations. 
A photo of two purple balloons with the International Women’s Day logo on the front of them floating next to a purple roller banner with the same logo.
An image of Monique Barton, Internal Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist Working on graph paper, which has post it notes on it as she writes with a purple pen.

By actively participating in events like NICD’s International Women’s Day, Infotel UK Consulting demonstrates its dedication to staying at the forefront of data science. This commitment allows the consultancy to provide clients with cutting-edge solutions and expertise, ultimately driving business success.  

The team would like to extend their gratitude to Antonia Kontaratou, Louise Braithwaite, and Georgia Atkinson for hosting such an insightful and enjoyable event, and to celebrate the theme of “Accelerate Action” in the advancement of women’s equality. 


A photo of Monique Barton speaking to Dr Antonia Kontaratou in The Catalyst, Newcastle. They stand next to two purple balloons with the International Women’s Day logo on them, and are standing in front of two elevators with silver doors.

Infotel Women in the Spotlight

Senior Project Manager Angela Turnbull, Project Manager Michelle Handrick and Marketing Manager Lauren Dodd also took part in the Infotel group’s wider celebration of International Woman’s Day. Women from each subsidiary answered questions about their career, and shared their thoughts on working in the tech sector.  

The UK’s contribution can be found here. 

We’re incredibly proud that the Group has achieved a score of 89/100 on the Professional Equality Index, meaning concrete actions are consistently taken to build a clear and measurable assessment of gender equality within workplaces. Our participation in the NICD event allowed us to apply data science skills in a practical setting, while our contributions to the collaborative article further highlighted our commitment to gender equality within the tech sector.