Mobile and Web Development


At Infotel UK, we benefit from over 20 years of practical experience in the design, development, delivery, and support of mobile and web applications. We have grown our teams of mobile and web developers across multiple development sites in the UK, Europe, and India to satisfy the demands of our clients, giving our business a deep core capability and allowing us to challenge for large contracts and become a serious competitor in this thriving technology field.

 Front End Development

Our front end and design teams work to deliver fast and reliable app or web user interface and functionality which fit to requirements. We strive to empower your company with the required tools for effortless business performance.

 Back End Development

Scalable and well architected code using leading-edge frameworks and databases is possible with our team of skilled back end engineers. We work closely with in-house capabilities to provide high-quality engineering solutions to connect you to your users.

Custom Solutions

A bespoke solution to your business needs from developing interactive prototypes and tailored content management systems to ground-up projects, including design, development and deployment.

 SaaS Solutions

We build multi-tenant, user-friendly, security standard compliant SaaS solutions for you to streamline your internal operations and provide better service to your clients and improve corporate workflow.

 Cloud Based Solutions

We help you to migrate your current solutions to the cloud or provide a full service to develop new projects from scratch in one dynamic platform.

Integration And Deployment

We integrate with your existing infrastructure, simplifying release management and reducing the complexity of web and mobile software deployment tasks. Our extensive experience in AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and other services, as well as hosting and managing environments, helps you to deploy systems in a secure and hassle-free manner.

Our expertise

Our core web and mobile developers are experts in many software languages. However, our core competencies are in full stack development, especially Java, Spring, .Net, AngularJS and ReactJS.

We work with large global clients, developing mission critical enterprise solutions on all types of platforms. We pride ourselves on our expertise in developing enterprise grade solutions for our clients using some of the latest technologies, including Cloud, Microservices, Event Driven Architecture, Kubernetes, REST APIs and much more. We build mobile applications for Android and Apple devices to ensure we can deliver the right solution to the client’s needs.


Wherever you are in your journey of mobile and web solution, we can help you with our broad range of services. We can inherit old code, start new projects, build new code architecture, take over specific parts of the product, or work on improvement of your existing project to bring you closer to your business targets. Our customised services provide exceptional flexibility and a personal approach to ensure we meet your needs.


We have clients in our portfolio from varied industries including highly regulated, extreme security demanding and standardised manufacturing environments. Whether in the automotive, public, or financial sector we have the skills to deliver solutions in the most challenging environments.


Whether your project is built for a large, existing audience or is one that is going to need to scale in the future, we can support you through building proof of concepts and minimum viable products that can scale easily and create the roadmap for your project’s journey. The products we deliver today are always built with tomorrow in mind.


Our web and mobile development services offer more than just lines of code. We can build you a fully realised product that combines stunning UI and great UX with quality, robustly tested software engineering. We deliver a digital asset that has tangible value and delivers for you and your users.

Success case

A standout example is the material handling mobile and web application was developed for the automotive industry to enable monitoring and management of on-shift requirements for the complex and time-sensitive array of materials required for manufacturing cars and to alleviate the existing deficiencies costing time and money in this area.

We worked with the client every step of the way, from conception through wireframing, development, testing, delivery, and support. This level of collaboration and the finished application proved a huge success for us and our client and ensured a long-term association would take effect.

Ready to start your Mobile or

Web development project?

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