Large European automotive manufacturer | Logistics and Transport industry

Web and Tablet Application development for forecast modelling and manpower logistic planning

About the client

The Client is a European division of Japanese automobile manufacturer specialising in the manufacturing and distribution in the UK market. The Client is the 2nd largest UK car manufacturer producing over 500 000 cars early and employing 7000 staff directly just in the UK.

Mission :

Web and Tablet Application development for forecast
modelling and manpower logistic planning


  • Developed a web & tablet application that draws headcount data from complex spreadsheets, for review, forecast modelling and
    manpower logistics planning to make complex data easy to view, comprehend and manipulate.


Create a web application that draws headcount data from complex spreadsheets, for review, forecast modelling and manpower logistics planning

  • Import data from large, hard-to-handle, multi-tabbed Excel documents, merged from different sources to a PostgreSQL database.
  • Create web interface to enable uploaded data to be compared (archive, current, future snapshots) via an accessible interface
  • Make manpower forecasting a quick and intuitive process my making complex data easy to view, comprehend and manipulate, which is to longwinded and fallible with Excel.


  • Import data from Excel documents, validating data integrity and erroring or warning where necessary.
  • Create a web-based console for required data imports, views, calculations with user administration and comment reviews.
  • Build forecast plan system


  • Desktop and Tablet application interface
  • Angular 5 with HTML5 & CSS3
  • Java REST services (Spring framework)
  • Java (back-end calculations)
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Spring security integrationwith Nissan’s Kerberos single sign-on and Active Directory (Nissan users)


  • 1 Project Manager​
  • 1 IT Project Manager (Client side)
  • 1 Full-stack Developer
  • 1 Business Lead


An example of a business led development where Infotel applied Agile methodology and coached the business representative in terms of Product ownership. Infotel was responsible for, Software development, maintenance and support. The development team worked closely with the business elaborating on functionality and delivering a minimum viable product (MVP).


“I’ve worked on automotive projects before, so I am getting familiar with system and back-end set-up, but this time has been good for my personal development in the front end (I learned Angular 5). It’s been very satisfying to see an idea realised from start to finish”.