News and Media Alliance non-profit organisation | Service Industry

Advertising broadcasts controlling solution development

About the client

French non-profit organisation that certifies the circulation of newspapers and periodicals in France, to provide advertisers with audience measurement figures.

Infotel UK - Service Industry Case Study

Mission :

Developed a tool to control advertising broadcasts


  • Delivered multi-function monitoring tool that provided world-first approach with no constraints in communication in just 3 months.


The challenge was to develop a tool for monitoring, data visualisation in advertising broadcasts that allows user management in just three months.


As an outcome of encouraging successes of developed tool – Affitrack, the Client launched a new project to add other new features to this application such as statistics dashboard, administration screen, etc.

Affitrack consists of four applications:

  • Web application: monitoring of file submissions and processing, visualization of campaign progress, display and export of certifications and user management.
  • Application of Web Services: deposit of files by Web Service REST (Representational State Transfer).
  • Bulk application: file processing (recording in the database), file parsing (aggregation of deliveries by campaign and by day), consolidation of delivery data by reconciliation of agency data and network data, periodic purge of data and files.
  • Bulk monitoring web application
  • Ability to give transparency to employees and providing the feeling of ‘being heard’


As the client does not have a Java development architecture, each application was built on the Springboot framework and is packaged in the form of an executable jar embedding its own Tomcat server.
Spring Data JPA simplified the writing of access to the PostgreSQL database.
Thymeleaf, an HTML templating framework, was chosen for its simplicity of implementation and its good integration with Springboot,
Bootstrap naturally imposed itself for the formatting of web pages.
To implement the batches, we chose Spring Batch and Spring Batch
Admin to monitor them.
For the front of the web server was used free web server software


To carry out this project, we assigned a small team consisting of a project manager, an architect, a lead developer, and a team of 4 developers. The team worked in Agile mindset to the rhythm of daily meetings and task management by Kanban board. Autonomous and dynamic environment provided high adaptability to the requirements of the Client.


Our teams took charge of the development of the application in its entirety and are now in charge of the maintenance and evolutions of the project, such as the development of new import modules for integrating logs.


“The Affitrack project was a success in more ways than one. From a functional point of view, this is a world first: advertising broadcasts on DOOH screens are controlled and certified by an independent body. […] From a technical point of view, the choices made by the Infotel team were relevant, focused on modern technologies. […] From an organizational point of view, the choice of the agile Kanban was perfectly suited to the constraints of the project: short project (3 months), modification of specifications, incremental deliveries. Finally, from our point of view, the expectations were fully met. As a partner, Infotel helped us to develop Affitrack in order to integrate many new features and provide increased visibility to this certification tool”.