Large European Automotive Manufacturer | Automotive

Creating a cost effective, customer sales and operational planning tool

Infotel’s Mission:

Understanding the challenges presented by the current systems used by our clients is a huge part of how we develop, innovate and create award-winning IT Solutions. In this Case Study, we were approached to renew and improve their out-dated and expensive sales forecasting software – as they were losing money using the very tool designed to reduce costs!

To replace the Steelwedge software that was in place, we had to fully understand the purpose it had been serving and where specifically it was falling short for what the client wanted to achieve. Once we had established what sort (and what quantity) of data needed to be added, we were able to get to work to produce a far more sustainable solution.


Our client :

While a digital system upgrade may sound like a quick fix, our client was the 2nd largest car manufacturer in the UK – meaning forecasting data for sales needed to cover the 500,000 cars they built and distributed annually. They also belong to a European division of a Japanese company, meaning all information had to be universally applicable.


  • Successful replacement of outdated Steelwedge software, maintaining compliance with any data that was no longer needed
  • Integrating a bespoke, fit-for-purpose sales and operational planning tool
  • Incorporating vast amounts of legacy delivery data from the original mainframe with new orders, sales and supply volumes – all while ensuring the basic functionality of the app in its early stages


  • We understood the importance of striking a balance between retaining a usable model while a new solution was created, and taking time to ensure all staff members were up to speed with the new application as it was introduced. There was no room for lags or lack of access in between due to the sheer amount of information that was being handled. 
  • Like any software used on a daily basis, our deadline was non-negotiable: all functionality tests and operational improvements had to be kept within very specific time frames, all while keeping work visible and well communicated.



We knew the answer to the client’s issue would lie in developing software that supports a reliable and adaptable system. By taking action to identify and address requirements at the beginning of the progress, we also identified opportunities to reduce costs for the client.

This lead to the team taking the following steps:

  • Create a complete web app to meet the Client’s sales and operational needs by implementing core features, replacing Steelwedge software by the deadline.
  • Enable Client users to upload lead-time data from Excel spreadsheets to integrate delivery data with orders, sales, and supply volumes from the mainframe, ensuring app functionality at an early stage.
  • Develop an interim sales and operational planning tool (NES&OP) as an MVP solution, minimizing disruption to the Client’s workflow.


Resource Augmentation was a key factor to producing impressive, measurable results for this case study. As well as being reliably on hand to complete workflows and support key members of staff throughout implementation, our team used the following to build the application:

  • Angular, HTMLS, CSS3
  • Java REST services (Spring)
  • Java Controller (JBoss)
  • PostgreSQL database, PSQL logic
  • Replicator sync system from mainframe to PostgreSQL DB
  • Scheduled data extract from mainframe static data


At Infotel UK, we strive to work alongside your business and employees, meaning our work and integration process will always be seamlessly successful. Reach out to us for further details on our approach.

  • 1 Project Manager
  • 2 Full-Stack Developers
  • 2 Front-end Developers
  • 1 Database Architect
  • 1 Mainframe Technician
  • 2 Product Owners



With over 20 years of tried and tested experience in leading digital transformation projects, we were able to provide our clients with the solution of a bespoke, fit-for-purpose sales and operational planning tool. Combining our recommended resources with existing processes lead to more detailed visibility throughout the project, which proved crucial when it came to delivering work on time. 

Client Feedback :

“We were delighted with the work produced by Infotel UK, after their services were recommended to us for this specific project. Their knowledge of semantic web technologies and their practice-based knowledge of the automotive sector meant our team felt supported and in the loop throughout the process. We look forward to working with them again.”